Monday, October 15, 2012

The Gate

Music from Loreena McKennitt, "The Mummers' Dance"

Kindle II The Gate

As a child, Opal Whitely wrote these words about reconciliation with the power of the wild.

Today near eventime I did lead
the girl who has no seeing a little way into the forest
where it was darkness and shadows were,
I led her toward a shadow
that was coming our way,
It did touch her cheeks
with its velvety fingers.
And now she too
does have likings for shadows,
And her fear that was is gone.

Excerpt from "Women Who Run With the Wolves", Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Kindle I Tree Willow Magique

kindle 1 |ˈkindl|verb [ trans. ]light or set on fire.• arouse or inspire (an emotion or feeling)a love of art was kindled in me.• [ intrans. (of an emotion) be aroused :she hesitated, suspicion kindling within her.• [ intrans. become impassioned or excited the young man kindled at once.ORIGIN Middle English : based on Old Norse kynda, influenced by Old Norsekindill ‘candle, torch.’

Wednesday, October 3, 2012